
It is important to start grooming your kitten from an early age so it is readily accepted when the cat is older. Although cats are very good at keeping themselves clean, grooming can help to avoid matting and decrease the amount of hair shed around the house. It also helps to strengthen your bond and enables you to spot any wounds early on. Long haired cats are particularly susceptible to matting in their fur so it is very important that they get used to being groomed every day.

To get your kitten used to being brushed, start off very gently and slowly. You can stick to short sessions to start with and also use treats or toys as a distraction. Begin by brushing the less sensitive areas, such as the top of the head and back first, and then move on to other areas as your kitten starts to relax.

paws and claws

Cats keep their nails strong and at an appropriate length by scratching and walking around outside. Providing a scratching post for your kitten in a place where they like to scratch or sleep will help them to keep claws healthy. For indoor cats and those that are less active it may be beneficial to trim claws with clippers. You can ask your vet to do this for you or even to show you how to do it correctly. Cutting the nails too short will be painful for your cat as the centre of the claw contains the ‘‘quick’’ (the blood supply).

teeth and gums

Dental care is important from a young age, but in reality not many cats are tolerant of having their teeth brushed! If you introduce this at any early age it may be possible to brush the teeth. Special cat toothbrushes and toothpaste (never use human paste) are available at many pet stores. The enzymatic toothpastes can help to prevent the soft bacterial film of plaque from developing into the hard yellow-brown tartar.

You will need to check your kitten’s teeth and gums regularly, so you notice any smelly breath or red, sore gums, which could mark the onset of gingivitis. The Arden Grange kitten and cat foods may be helpful in promoting good oral hygiene. The entire range contains cellulose fibres (which give the food a very crunchy texture) as well as natural antioxidants. Antioxidants have proven benefits to oral health in human dentistry.

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